Sunday, November 18, 2007

Field Trips are Cool

Do you ever reminisce about your first grade field trips? I don't either, but that's probably our educational experiences never included In-N-Out Burger. Who needs museums, fire stations, or nature preserves when you can make fresh, quality french fries (see photo) and eat a double-double at the end of it?

Without question, kids today have it much better than we ever did...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cognos Becomes IBM

For a public forum, I thought I would link some of the better blog entries I've seen on the recent acquisition announcement.

Tony Baer (very insightful)

Dana Gardner

Cindi Howson

Vincent McBurney

ZD Net (best of breed still exists)

Business Week (end of best-of-breed)

Fun Run!

Last Wednesday, JT participated in Run With The Pack, the exceptional CCLF fund raiser that was a big hit for the entire school. JT achieved his stretch goal of 16 laps (almost 2 miles!) in the 20 minute run.

I, of course, ran with the pack, quickly falling behind at the initial gun. All the kids started at a sprint pace. But I caught up, and JT and I paced each other for 16 laps. Great job, JT!