Friday, October 28, 2011

Lock-In? Please...

In the last 4 months, I've talked to over 70 companies about Platform as a Service --> PaaS. Big companies. Small companies. Companies that make stuff. Companies that service other companies. Companies that represent business in America.

As with any emerging technology, the conversations are almost always educational (both ways) and spirited. And it's a lot of fun to figure out new ways we can improve their businesses.

Of course, they have concerns. Being new to the job, one concern I expected to hear was "vendor lock-in". After all, some analysts have pointed it out as a big deal. So I listened, listened some more, and took copious notes. 70 customers later, the percentage that list "lock-in" as a problem speaks volumes:


Instead, I'm hearing a lot of quotes like this:

  • "We need to move fast and innovate"
  • "Let's choose the best tool for the job"
  • "I want to leverage our existing skills"
  • "Everything is going mobile"
  • "We need flexible business models and a vendor that thinks like a partner"

Lock-in? Just another invention of ivory-tower analysts. I'll focus on real business problems at real companies instead.

To my customers: the Force is with you. Heroku, too.