Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mobile and Enterprise Applications: Answers Questioned

I've been talking a lot about mobility with customers over the last several weeks. It's top of mind with the release of the Mobile SDK 1.2, which makes it simple to create mobile applications for just about anything. Some common themes from customers:
  • Mobile use cases are different. Many (if not most) need to be quick logging of activities. It's not working through a complex business problem on your iPhone.
  • An analogy from consumer software is Foursquare versus Facebook. Foursquare is fast, designed to get a user in and out of the application in seconds. Facebook is designed to hold your attention for minutes (heck, hours if you're stuck in the airport).
  • Like Foursquare, there should be no barrier to the end user for mobile data entry: logging a sales activity, a shipment, an idea. And geo-location tags make that even easier. 
  • Like Facebook, users will need to connect with others in the company. And almost all users need some kind of document library available. That generally dovetails into social media business requirements.
  • BYOD just makes sense, it's ultimately much easier for most businesses to support, and is one less thing to manage. So HTML5 will be a natural design choice for a lot of this...even more so as the specification and support evolves.
Ultimately, progressive companies want to use mobile trends as a competitive advantage. Obviously, mobile personnel become more productive. But capturing more data, and more accurate data, will eventually lead to more agile, productive businesses. And that's where it gets interesting...

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