Thursday, November 4, 2010

"There is no Silver Bullet"

I find myself uttering that phrase a lot lately. Maybe it's because business hasn't quite rebounded, despite modest improvements over last year. But everyone seems to want an easy fix -- especially in technology, where boom times are simply expected, and often not earned.

Pipeline is the lifeblood of any sales organization, and Jeff Ogden hits the nail on the head in his recent blog entry on

I don't know Jeff, but three cheers for sanity.


...But to become the best, you need to make a BIG commitment. You need to invest serious sweat and patience in the foundation of demand generation:Only by really working hard on understanding buyers, their issues, their problems, etc. will you have the insights to craft a world-class demand generation program. Don't short cut this process. Nothing in life is easy.


1 comment:

Jeff Ogden said...

Thanks for the compliments. You don't know me, but maybe you can.

Thank you.

Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor
Find New Customers